I am so glad that I entered the “Your OWN Show” contest on Oprah.com. It has been such an amazing journey. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can continue in the contest. Regardless of the outcome, I have had an awakening as to what an amazing support team I have out there. My heart was touched as I watched the votes flow in. I submitted my video on the very last day of the contest and was only in the voting rounds for 1 full week. The fact that I received 35, 896 votes from people all over the United States in just 7 days is remarkable.
I wish to personally thank ALL who voted for me and showed me support from afar. People posted my video on their Facebook, My Space, Hi 5 pages. Many tweeted my audition video. children wrote songs about my quest to become a talk show show. They made video’s and posted them on YOUTUBE.
Two little girls put my name on a bridge over the main Freeway here in Ogden, Utah! The girls made the banner with 400 red cups. what imaginations!
It’s been quite a ride these past 7 days!
To my family, Thank YOU for your love, support and the videos.
I’d like to personally thank Oprah Winfrey, Mark Burnett and the entire team at OWN for giving so many of us the opportunity of pursing a dream on such a large scale. I hope that with all the efforts of so many that we grabbed Your attention and have the opportunity of winning my OWN show.
All we can do is hope and wait. If I win my OWN show, I can tell you this, it is due to the efforts of all my supporters out there. I promise to make it a show that your DON’T want to miss. Please stay tuned as we await the final results.
All the best,
Nathan Osmond
5 thoughts to “Journey for “Your Own Show” on Oprah’s network –”
Brilliant idea Nathan. Good Luck, still keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for you , take care , Jaqi 🙂
WE are all still hoping and praying you get your own show!
its time!!
We are always supporting you and We are looking forward to your own show.
Good Luck and Do your best.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed also. good luck I do hope you get your own show.. Susan
How could I NOT vote for the sweet guy who taught me the secret "Osmond Handshake" during the Osfest 2003 festivities in L.A.!! Best wishes on your quest! Know you are loved and admired xoxo
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