I am extremely excited to announce that I’ve entered an online contest with Oprah Winfrey and Mark Burnett to host my OWN television show on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN). I heard about this contest less than a month ago as I was pitching another project to Oprah’s people. I decided that I would put my best foot forward to see if America thought I should have my own show.
I NEED AS MANY OF YOUR VOTES AS I CAN GET UNTIL JULY 3RD!!!!!!!!!!!! Please click on this link to View My Audition YOU CAN VOTE AS MUCH AND AS OFTEN AS YOU LIKE!!! I would be soooo thrilled if you would be my campaigners out there by putting this link on any of your social networking sites or personal websites. Please invite ALL you know to VOTE FOR NATHAN OSMOND!!! We only have 8 days to go and my video just made it in to the contest last night! I NEED EVERYONE’s HELP!!!
I have my publicist, Kathy Horn from New York City, working round the clock to help spread the word for people to VOTE NATHAN OSMOND! Together, I think we can turn this dream of mine into a reality. I thank you in advance for helping me to get NOI-Z!!! 😉
Thanks for your VOTES and I will be announcing some contests soon for those who help me make the most noise!
Love ya,
Nathan Osmond
“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” – Philippians 1:3
Check out my debut solo Country album, “Feels Like Heaven” at my Official website: https://nathanosmond.com/