I’m sending you a poem which I have always loved. In fact, I recited it in my missionary homecoming speech. I thought it would help to remind us all about the true reason for the season.
If you are subscribed to the Osmond Family blog email list, you should have received an audio version as well. Just open the attachment to hear me recite the poem. If you didn’t receive yours, or you’d like to subscribe, just send us an email at Osmondstrengtheningfamilies@gmail.com and we’ll send one out to you anytime between now and New Year’s.
Here’s hoping you have a wonderful holiday season!
All the best,
Nathan Osmond
Come Follow Me and He Went
Author Unknown
Camp 332 the captain came through
He was wearing insigneous bright.
“Men” he declared, “You must be prepared
To conquer the enemy’s fight!”
With a towering glare and heart without care he said,
“Men, I’d like you to hear…”
“Soldier,” he said, “Get this into your head
get rid of your cowardly fear!”
So night after night they prepared for the fight
At the feet of the militant man,
Till the soldiers were ready, their spirits were steady
And every man’s thought was I can!
Well, the night finally came and name after name was
Read for the march of the day
It was then that they heard the cowardly word,
“The captain is going to stay.”
Well, they left for the trek and were dressed to the neck
In attire designed for a fight
But the hearts of the legion that marched through the region
Were back in the camp in the night.
You see as they went, they thought of a tent of a
Cowardly captain who stayed
Who didn’t go through what he told them to do
Because he was really afraid.
He easily told the men to be bold
To have courage for strength in a fight,
But he was the man when the battle began
Who hid in the dark of the night.
Then there was one who walked in the son of the
Galilee country of old.
A teacher was He as He walked by the sea
For His words with His actions were bold
“Men” he declared, “We must be prepared to
Conquer the enemy’s fight.”
Then He went in the power of prayer to the hills
And He prayed for the rest of the night.
It was He long ago who taught men to know
That it is far more blessed to give
Then by His example the teaching was ample
To show them how better to live.
“Come follow me” was His conquering plea
“We must not give up the fight.”
“Father, thy will not mine be done,”
and they followed in spirit and might.
You see, the master teacher wasn’t a preacher
Who hid in a camp in a tent,
He was the one who showed how it was done
He said, “Come follow me” and He went.